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Orion has successfully distributed 5 million EUR bond issue for Sun Investment Group

The investment banking company Orion Securities successfully distributed 5 M Eur bond issue for the international group of solar energy project development companies Sun Investment Group. The bonds will carry an annual interest rate of 13%, with interest paid semi-annually. The term of maturity of the bonds is 12 months. The minimum investment amount was 1000 euros.

“We received extremely high interest from investors – the total value of investment applications reached 7.36 M EUR, which is almost 50% more than the amount sought to be distributed. Not only investors from Lithuania, but also from Estonia actively participated in the distribution”, says Mykantas Urba, Head of corporate finance department at Orion Securities.

Mykantas Urba | Head of corporate finance at Orion Securities

Deividas Varabauskas, chairman of the board of the Sun Investment Group, says that the raised funds will be used to finance the group’s working capital and development costs of solar power projects.

“We are developing more than 2.7 GW of total power projects in Lithuania and several European countries, for which we are looking for various sources of financing. The funds raised will help continue the smooth development of current projects and increase their number in the future,” says D. Varabauskas.

Karolis Pikūnas, CEO of Orion Securities, sees an increase in the interest of retails investors in bonds.

“This is a trend we have observed in recent years in public bond offerings. We assume that the number of retail investors is due to rising interest rates, high inflation, but at the same time the growing interest of Lithuanians in investing and financial literacy education in the public,” says Karolis Pikūnas, CEO of Orion Securities.

More bond distribution projects from Orion Securities.


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Marija Kisieliūtė
Orion Securities | Head of brand and marketing

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Mykantas Urba | Head of corporate finance