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UAB Medicinos bankas

Dear investors,

UAB Medicinos bankas announces the final issued number and allocation of subordinated bonds, issued under up to EUR 10 000 000 subordinated bonds issue programme (first tranche conditions).

On 23 July 2018 UAB Medicinos bankas (hereinafter – the Company) management board, based on the recommendation of the offering broker UAB FMI „Orion securities“, has decided:

  • to establish that the final issued number of subordinated bonds, issued under up to EUR 10 000 000 subordinated bonds issue programme (hereinafter – the Programme) base prospectus (first Programme tranche conditions), equals 2 210;
  • to allocate the issued bonds in the following way: (i) 1 746 bonds are allocated to retail investors and (ii) 464 bonds are allocated to institutional investors.
Issuer: Medicinos bankas UAB
Currency: EUR
Tranche number: 1
ISIN Code: LT0000432114
Aggregate principal amount: Up to EUR 3,000,000. The Issuer may decrease the aggregate principal amount of the Tranche 1 during the Subscription Period of the Tranche 1. The final aggregate principal amount of the Tranche 1 will be specified in the notification regarding allotment of Bonds to the Investors, which will be published on the websites of the Company and Offering Broker after allotment thereof to the Investors.
Nominal amount of the Bond: EUR 1,000
Expected Issue Date: 24 July 2018
Decision by which the Bonds of this Tranche are issued: 25 June 2018
Annual Interest Rate: 7%
Interest Payment Dates: 24 January 2019, 24 July 2019, 24 January 2020, 24 July 2020, 24 January 2021, 24 July 2021, 24 January 2022, 24 July 2022, 24 January 2023, 24 July 2023, 24 January 2024, 24 July 2024, 24 January 2025, 24 July 2025
Maturity Date: 24 July 2025
Redemption of Bonds by choice of the Issuer (the “Issuer Call”): It is subject to the prior permission of the LB (but without any requirement for the consent or approval of the Bondholders), and upon giving not less than 15 not more than 30 days’ irrevocable notice. If such redemption is executed, on the day of redemption, the Bonds shall be repaid in full at their nominal value, with the cumulative interest accrued
Minimum Investment Amount: EUR 1,000
Issue Price of the Bond: EUR 1,000
Subscription Period: from 26 June 2018 till 23 July 2018 (until 5 p.m. Vilnius time)
Procedure for submission of the Subscription Orders: Described in the Base Prospectus
Procedure for allotment of the Bonds and settlement: The Bonds of the Tranche 1 shall be served according the time priority principle (first come-first serve), i.e. the first Investors, which have provided their Subscription Orders shall be allotted the Bonds first up to the time and amount, when the Subscriptions for all the Bonds of the Tranche 1 of the aggregate principal amount (EUR 3,000,000) shall be provided. When this aggregate principal amount of Subscriptions of the Tranche 1 is reached, no more Bonds of this Tranche shall be allotted to the Investors. If the situation is such that the respective Investor, providing the Subscription, reaches and exceeds the aggregate principal amount of the Tranche 1, his Subscription will be reduced accordingly, so that the maximum principle amount of the Tranche 1 (EUR 3,000,000) is not exceeded
Sub-agents for the Offering Broker (if any): Not appointed
Information about the bonds of the Issuer that are already admitted to trading on regulated markets: None
Address(-es) where the Subscriptions will be accepted: Orion Securities UAB FMĮ Vilnius office, A. Tumėno str. 4, Vilnius, Lithuania, and Kaunas office, Karaliaus Mindaugo ave. 50, „Žalgiris“ arena, Kaunas, Lithuania

More information:

  • Vilniuje: Donatas Šetikas (Tel.: +370 5 231 3841, E-mail:
  • Kaune: Jurgita Štaraitė (Tel.: +370 620 52263, E-mail:

Base Prospectus (EN)
Base Prospectus Approval by the Bank of Lithuania (LT)
Base Prospectus summary translation (LT)
Final Terms and Issue Specific Summary (Tranche 1)
Subscription Order for Bonds (EN)